Energy Master Taoist I Ching Astrology
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Compatibility Analysis Upgraded

The 'Compatibility' link in the top menu row brings up a form, actually a pair of forms that allow you to submit the birth profiles of two persons. The system will return a textual explanation of the interplay of the... click here to continue.

Error in 'Edit Profile' fixed

A ( sadly ) long term bug in the 'Edit Profile' function has been fixed. Previously, any change to your Birth Profile failed to update the Month of Birth correctly, causing an error the next time the profile was accessed.... click here to continue.

Taoists practicing in the 24 points of the solar term

I have also added a solar term calendar to the home page. Be sure to set your time zone and location to ensure accurate time calculation. You can instantly see where we are in the solar year and relate your practice directly to the Heaven and Earthly energy relating to that time. Watch carefully at the major changes (equinoxes and solstices). See Kathy Li's article on the Long Men Pai web site for more details: click here to continue.

Hsien Tien Method page upgraded

The Hsien Tien method of accessing the I Ching is the most popular page on the Energy Master site by significant margin. I recently updated the page and method to include the option of correcting the calculation for your local time zone. The ancient Chinese were extremely precise in their time calculations. All official time related to one reference in the imperial capital, and even today, China lives under one time zone (+8) and Chinese are used to there being an 'official' time and a 'local time'. Local time is Sun time. The time the sun is highest in the sky and directly south is local noon. Taoists use local noon for all astrological and biological calculations. The possessed incredibly accurate solar water clocks in relative antiquity and could easily determine longitude to great accuracy before western civilization had even primitive time-keeping.  click here to continue.

Sat Jul 27 16:01:56 2024
Sexagenary Cycle Day 44

Heavenly Stem
Ting, Yin Fire

Earthly Branch
Wei, Yin Fire

Set Local Noon
Postal Code:
Lat: 0.00 Long: 0.00 Modify
Local Sun Time: Sat Jul 27 15:01:56 2024

To you Monkey, I give vision and the power of discrimination.

You save what is good and needful.

You let go of the unsuitable.

You give hope in times of standstill.

You are the hidden power behind new ideals.

You are the governor of the Bladder.

Your life means survival, especially in times of misfortune. You are successful because of your intuition and your good sense of humor. You show freedom of emotional and creative expression and you have the power of letting go of the inappropriate feelings. Furthermore you show no sexual repression. This is the way to overcome times of misfortune.

For your good work, I give the virtue of Humour

But beware, if you become dogmatic and unreceptive, forgetting your sense of humour, your actions will end in failure. You become conservative, hanging on outmoded feelings and being unreceptive to new ones. You become repressed in your emotions, creativity and sexual expressions and unaware of your blocked situation.

So use your qualities well.